Caesarea was a central and important city during the reign of Herod and the period that followed. It was a city of spirit and matter, and a cultural mosaic for over 2,000 years.
This tour presents the story of Caesarea from a new angle and connects the spiritual with the material, construction with destruction, the historical preservation process of the site, and the fascinating figure of King Herod- the master builder of the Kingdom of Judea. The tour offers expert knowledge, quotations from original sources (Flavius Josephus), pieces of poetry by Dahlia Rabikowitz, and musical accompaniment of guitar- all of which are connected to various points along the route.
The tour begins in the beautiful Byzantine street near the huge Porphyry statue of Hadrian, continues through Roman streets and ancient Crusader walls, and describes the different building styles, the classical architectural elements of the period, and the statues in the area- all in the spirit of the local Jewish community over the years.
The tour continues to the Ancient Synagogue, the story of the Great Revolt and the destruction of the Second Temple. You’ll discover how the spirit of the Jewish people did not fall, how they remained loyal to their country, and how they returned to it.
In the synagogue, we’ll hold a sing-along accompanied by guitar where we’ll sing two songs by Yishai Rivo, “Returning Home” and “My Heart”.
The tour is conducted by Michael Janach, a certified tour guide and an expert in mosaics and conservation.

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