An aqueduct system that supplied water to Caesarea from natural springs about ten kilometers from the city. The aqueduct was supported by thousands of stone arches and was among the most developed in Israel. The water was supplied for public use (for the many fountains and baths) as well as for private consumption. The water first reached a distribution facility called the Castellum. This was fairly unique as only two existed in the country- one in Banias and the other in Caesarea. From there, the water was distributed throughout the city through a system of pipes.

Several aqueducts were built in Caesarea throughput the periods: the Herodian High Aqueduct, the Hadrian Aqueduct, the Byzantine Low Aqueduct, and an open canal during the Crusader period. Today, the site stands on an official beach with a beautiful view. In the future, a boardwalk will be built that will connect to the ancient synagogue at the port.