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Transportation and Accessibility

רכבת נוסעת על גבי מסילה ולצידה דקלים ומבנים עסקיים בפארק העסקים


The train station is located in the northern part of the business park. The station serves the employees of the Caesarea Smart Business Park as well as the residents of the area. There are about 35 stops per day on the train from Tel Aviv to Haifa and from Haifa to Tel Aviv. Free parking.

For more information
תחנת אוטובוס עם שני ספסלים וגגון

Public Transport

“The Park Circuit”- an extended public transportation route, serves the southern and northern business park. Bus stops are shaded and are equipped with an interactive screen.

For more information
תצלום של קורקינט ורוכב שרואים רק את רגליו

Cooperative Scooters

150 co-op scooters provided by the “BIRD” company are available at the train station for a subsidized fee. Open the “BIRD” application, wear the helmet attached to each vehicle, and ride safely on one of the bike paths distributed across the park for safe and efficient travel.

Waze - Carpool

The Caesarea Smart Business Park management and the Waze company are collaborating on a Waze Carpool service initiative. The service connects people traveling on similar routes and helps coordinate shared trips. Look for the service in the Waze app.

שביל סלול לאופניים ולאורכו ערוגת פרחים

Bicycle Trail

A bicycle path is available from the train station to the park’s employment buildings. There are also paths that connect the South Park to Highway 651, serving the employees working in the southern park. In the northern park, there are two bike paths on Chalamish St. and Tarshish St.

For more information
אוטובוס שהשם ״קיסריה״ רשום מתחת לחלונות הנוסעים בו.


A free shuttle service for park employees at the Caesarea-Pardes Hana train station operates between 6:00 and 9:30 in the morning and passes through a fixed route in the park. A return shuttle to the train station is available from 15:42 until 19:42.

For more information
תרשים של חניון ובו מקומות חנייה תפוסים ופנויים

Smart Parking Lots

Smart parking lots are available for visitors to the business park, with a central system that monitors and helps manage parking spaces within the park. At the entrance to the park, a LED sign directs visitors to free parking spaces within the parking lots and displays the number of available parking spaces.

תצלום חלקי של אישה יושבת על כיסא גלגלים כשידה הימנית אוחזת בגלגל הימני של הכיסא

Accessibility for people with disabilities

The park management works to ensure accessible, inclusive and respectful service for everyone.

For more information